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    Wider Professional Practice in Education and Training

    University: Mont Rose College of management & Sciences

    • Unit No: 4
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 19 / Words 4824
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code:
    • Downloads: 974
    Question :

    This assessment will cover certain questions which demonstrate:

    1. Elaborate effective professionalism and values for education and training.

    2. Evaluate the policies and functions of education and training.

    3. Give the impact of accountability of stakeholders 

    4. What are the improvements and arrangements for the effective organisational growth.

    Answer :


    Today every people is concerned about widening own experience, skills and knowledge in a particular field. This would help them in proving itself better from others and hold a good position in society, institution or at working place. In context with education and training, it is necessary for teachers to adopt the concept of pedagogy which shows how teaching practices of own can become more effective (Aronowitz, 2014). It also assists practitioner to uphold ethical values as well as have potentials to reflects on and share expertise with other colleagues and learners too. It will sharpen their national and international practices by professional body membership. The present report is going to explore the concept of knowledge, skills and understanding related to wider professional practice in education and training. It describes important aspects of such practices like professionalism and dual-professionalism, its values in educational and training era as well as policy related with the same. Further, this assignment also highlights impact of accountability to stakeholders and external bodies in same field. Along with this, it shows ways by which a professional can contribute towards quality improvement and assurance arrangements in own organisation.

    TASK 1

    1.1 Concept of professionalism and dual-professionalism in educational and training

    In order to compete with today’s hi-tech world, every person engage in some type of learning and training session. A person whether engage in educational work, community learning or associated with work-based settings, needs high levels of expertise trainers, teachers or mentors. As per view of Willis (2017), it has evaluated that a learner cannot enhance desired skills and level of knowledge without an expertise teachers. In context with educational system, effectiveness of institutions cannot exceed quality of its educators. In education and training sector, learning professionals are considered as the backbone of educational system. Professionalism can be defined as skills or competence that makes the difference for individual learners to succeed. To become an effective professional practitioner, it is necessary to have skills like reliable, ethical, effective communicator and so on. While in context with dual-professionalism, it reflects a person having command on a particular subject and teaching skills also. This concept can also be defined as professionals who are expertise in both pedagogical teaching and specialism as well.

    Professional educations and training practitioners are known as dual professionals who have deep knowledge, expertise in learning and teaching processes, conceptual understanding and more (Freshney, 2015). For example: In health and social sector, experts who provide training to students or learners are dual professionals because they have good knowledge of subject as well as know how to develop skills of others too in same field.

    1.2 Ways in which professional values influence own practice in area of specialism

    Professional educators or training practitioners give commitment to develop ethics in own teaching practices (Kelly, Lesh and Baek, 2014). They give a personal commitment to share own ideas and skills for welfare of society and learners in developing their knowledge. They always determined that teaching or training practices will uphold the values of diversity and equality. Experience, knowledge and expertise of professionals are shared generously for local and national policy development. Trainers have a responsibility to give commitment for own professionalism (Marsick and Watkins, 2015). Along with this, they can influence and shape own practice of development in area of specialism by working in collaboration with peers. With this process, professionals with other expertise can identify key areas for improvement in the educational and training polices.

    Commitment to collaboration is considered as integral for the professional identity as well as role of teaching practitioners in developing own practice in own area of specialism. According to Gibbs reflective model, a person as a trainer needs to grab new knowledge and adopt concept of pedagogy. It shows ways for changing own training and educational practices so that better training can be provided to learners. This model also reflects some main concepts that are- identify key areas to change, evaluate own skills, analyse demand of current situation and make teaching policy accordingly.      

    TASK 2

    2.1 Ways in which social, political and educational factors influence educational policy

    Education refers to most important part of life of a person that teaches how to live and get employment to earn for livelihood. In context with educational and training policies, there are many factors present which influences the same. It includes national, regional and local development objectives which concerns more on welfare of societies, employment and unemployment rate, immigration and migration, equality and diversity etc. Such elements assist educational providers to make policies or adopt teaching practices as per situation. For example: If there is a high rate of unemployment issues then teachers need provide such kind of education or training to learners by which they can earn money. Further, immigration and migration also forced to me analyse reason behind increment of such factors and change own style of teaching accordingly (Watson, 2014). Trainers are required to identify reason behind migration so that people who just settle down in another country for job can be influenced towards own nation. In terms of political concern, it has analysed that learning or training institutes act as professional bodies which focuses only on excellence of learners and professional matters. Therefore, it completely neutral from political affairs and concerns only on improvement of teaching practices.

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    The term National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) refers to work based qualification that recognises skills as well as knowledge which a trainer must have to give effective training to learners. They are also required to demonstrate as well as prove competency in area of specialism also. As per NVQ it is necessary for professionals to introduce effective educational policies at training centres. They must concern on developing equality and diversity among learners as well as should commit to teach in ethics also. This would help in developing opinion of people towards welfare of their society or business where they work. It makes individuals to become best citizens as well who further cooperate government for local or national development.

    2.2 Impact of current educational policies on curriculum and practice in own area of specialism

    Education refers to development of all those capabilities and skills which enables individuals to fulfil their desire and earn a better life. It makes people able to compete with each other and earn for livelihood as well as give cooperation in development of societies and national too (Honey, Pearson and Schweingruber, 2014). Education and training also considered as instrument for developing change in organisation or in area where a person survive. Professionals in education and training sector, always concerns on improvement of own practices for better development. Currently, it has analysed that in health and social care training practices, trainers concerns near about 41% on learning, 37% on subject specialism and 22% on policy and local context for increasing effectiveness of own teaching practices. Under healthcare training classes, the learning and teaching profession should be at level as per concern to NVQ. It states that for providing better care to public, professionals must have qualified in area of specialism. At per level 2 at NVQ, practitioners must choose a specific pathway which suits their professional role. For example: Working with people who suffer from Dyslexia or learning issues, individuals with dementia and more (Boud and Brew, 2013). It would help in developing educational policies as per own curriculum or practice in own area o specialism.

    TASK 3

    3.1 Role of stakeholders and external bodies in education and training

    Stakeholders are the persons or group of individuals who possess an interest in the working and functioning of an association. In relation to educational institutions, there are many internal and external stakeholders who influence and are influenced by the institute. Such stakeholders can be internal like students, employers, academic faculty, alumni or external like other closely linked institutions, local businesses, committees, accrediting agencies, government, tax bodies, non governmental institutions. Often to gain an insight into the interests and powers of stakeholders in an academic institution, Stakeholder Salience framework is used. This helps in gaining information about the engagement of these stakeholders in the academy. Leaders in such institutions need to engage an effective approach so as to tackle the variations in perceptions, values and priorities of stakeholders in the activities conducted within premises (Hattie, 2012). The divergence in opinions can be in relation to aspects like cost, technology, study patterns, quality, access etc.

    Role of Stakeholders

    • Learners/Students: Any institute is run for developing a curriculum for students where learners can gain knowledge about different subjects. A curriculum is made by the direct involvement of students in learning process. The manner in which an individual responds towards a set curriculum defines its effectiveness in academy.
    • Teachers/Curriculum Developers: These are the persons responsible for developing the curriculum. Planning and making a curriculum is the primary duty of teachers. Also, teachers modify the curriculum according to the learning outcomes required to be generated. They develop this on the basis of their expertise in the field.
    • Curriculum managers: Also known as principals or heads of the academic institutions, they are the supervisors of curriculum implementation. Also, they are responsible for monitoring the execution of curriculum in institution and bringing improvements in it if required. Also, these individuals recruit new teachers, monitor admission of students and also look for procurement of necessary equipments for carrying out the learning process.
    • Parents: They are responsible for ensuring that their children carrying out effective learning in the institute that shape their career towards becoming a professional. Also, they motivate the learners to grab all the necessary information from the curriculum so as to gain expertise in the subjects (Fenwick, Nerland and Jensen, 2012).
    • Community Members: These are the persons belonging to local community in which the academy operates and carries out the learning processes. The resources required for carrying out the process of learning and the equipments are gathered from these individuals of the local community. These resources can be books, materials or any necessary facility.

    Role of Regulatory bodies:

    Any academic institution that functions in an economy runs under the regulations and rules set by government thus, it possesses great interest in the management of academy. Also, government is represented by the DepEd for basic education curricula and the CHED for the tertiary and graduate education curricula. Professional Regulation Commission more commonly known as PRC is another governmental agency that promotes the curriculum implementation in institutions. There are some other stakeholders that have an interest in the functioning of the academic institution (Loughran, 2013). These are professional institutes, businesses, lawyers’ associations, medical doctors’ association, engineering organisations, and other such bodies. Curriculum implementers and managers ask them to influence and ensure proper curriculum implementation so that learners get a healthy environment and carry out effective learning and development of career skills.

    3.2 Explain how being accountable to stakeholders and external bodies impacts on organisations in education and training

    In UK, the educational policies and reforms are made in accordance with ensuring the implementation of curriculum in institutions. Also, for effectively carrying out the learning processes and development of learners within the premises, it is essential to ensure that institution function in a manner prescribed by government. Also, at times, academies have to take approvals and consents from other external bodies, stakeholders and administrative institutions to run without any glitch and carry out the learning and development process. Also, teachers have to take consent and supervision from principals or the curriculum managers while creating, developing and enriching an effective curriculum in the academy. Along with that any change in the curriculum can be executed only after taking permission from curriculum managers (Goodwin and et. al., 2014). Furthermore, curriculum developers and managers have to be in regular network so as to decide the kind of curriculum to be designed. Also, parents play great role in encouraging the adherence to educational curriculum by students while at home and supervising their children while they are carrying out the learning process by themselves. Also, a teacher develops the curriculum taking into consideration the expertise and knowledge he holds in the context of institution. Also, while developing the curriculum it is the responsibility of teachers to ensure that the designed curriculum meets the needs and requirements of learners. For instance, medical students require a curriculum that equips them with all the knowledge, experience, skills and expertise in relation to health and social care sector. Also, the resources and equipments largely influence the conduct of effective learning in the academic institution. These are provided by the local community in which the academy functions. 

    Professional associations play a key role in curriculum enhancement and licensure examinations (Cochran-Smith and et. al., 2015). The government of UK possesses the regulatory and mandatory powers regarding implementation of curriculum in academy. By securing approval from them and administration of academy, a curriculum can be legally executed and called a certification course. In short, it can be said that properly ascertaining various internal stakeholders and educational bodies and ensuring their engagement in the activities of academy ensure the successful implementation of course. Also, by building networking with these stakeholders, a positive and healthy relationship with them can be ensured.

    3.3 Reasons behind work in partnership with employers and other stakeholders in education and training

    It is essential to have skills, knowledge and competence so as to carry out the learning procedure for students with learning disabilities. Especially, it is required by the individuals related to health and social care sector to comply with certain set criteria and norms by UK government in accordance. Reforms are regularly coming in educational patterns specifically the health and social care policies are being continuously altered so as to encourage the engagement of administrators and other stakeholders in training and development programmes (Bryson, 2016). This is often done to equip the individuals with the adaptability skills so as to align their behaviour easily towards the change in scenario. The theoretical model of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is usually taken in use by administrators to motivate the individuals. As per the model, there are five levels of needs namely, self actualisation, esteem, psychological, safety and physiological needs.

    For instance, applying this model in health care settings, it can be evaluated that workforce cannot progress to higher areas of functions if basic needs are not met. Also, the second level of needs, namely esteem needs are also crucial as pressure and stress are inseparable elements of an association (Mazzotti, Test and Mustian, 2014). By mitigating these components, workforce can be motivated to deliver superior quality teaching. Further, special students have special emotional and physical requirements and to meet these needs, it is important to build networking with stakeholders and other administrative bodies. NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) specify the guidelines for dealing with students with learning disabilities to organise and deliver effective care which emphasise the need to work in collaboration with stakeholders and employees. Working in partnership with stakeholders will facilitate the teaching assistant to gather knowledge on functional behaviour, stages of development and also the difficulties faced by students during the process so that teaching procedures can be designed and modified accordingly.\

     Figure 1: Maslow's Theory of Needs

    3.4 Impact of being accountable to stakeholders and external bodies on curriculum design, delivery and assessment in own area of specialism.

     With the technique of stakeholder analysis, the degree of influence of the key people that influence the educational and learning practices in an academic institution can be mapped in a four quadrant matrix.

    Figure 2: Stakeholder Analysis

    In relation to the matrix, students, state and national guidelines and principles, educational reformers lie in the first quadrant which means they hold the highest interest and power in relation to the curriculum (Redmond, 2017). Parents, supervisors, team members come in second quadrant as they possess lower influence and importance in relation to the curriculum and also the institution. In third segment, PTA, administrative authority, management are placed and in the fourth quadrant, funding agencies, local communities and other resource providers are placed which should be kept satisfied. It is imperative to take into account the views, opinions and ideas of these stakeholders while designing the curriculum based on the importance and power of these individuals. The main mission of any academic institutions is the enrichment of career enhancement skills of each student through delivering inclusive and holistic education. Hence the basic concept of the curriculum should be based on the professional criteria and specifically the students’ needs to be in compliance with legislations of government and other administrative bodies (Billett, S., 2016). Furthermore, it is essential to take suggestions from parents so as to ascertain the needs of learners and develop a curriculum that rightly meet the needs. Also, consultation from educational reformers and their theories will give an insight into the different models used in education and training.

    TASK 4

    4.1 Explain key aspects of policies, codes of practice and guidelines of an organisation

    Any educational institution exist to offer lifelong learning capabilities so as to increase the employability of an individual by being a highly social, economic and culturally responsible organisation (Rainer and et. al., 2012). Only by having a distinct regulatory framework to promote equality and diversity, an institution can ensure this. Also, it is imperative to consider statutory regulations and guidelines while forming the code of conduct for any association and the compliance with this is necessary to prevent penalties and to maintain harmony of educational environment. As per the organisational regulatory framework, a classroom should be devoid of all the possibilities of discriminations in the form of age, gender, caste, creed, ethnicity, learning disabilities etc. No such policy should be adopted that promotes any kind of discrimination or inequality. Also, it is required by the management of academic institution to follow safety guidelines and to avoid damages to resources or equipments. Any form of malfunctions and practices need to be avoided by the administration. Risk assessment and handling as per the organisational policies are necessary to ensure a safer environment. Any act that disrupts safety concerns of students and teachers like bullying, ragging, use of drugs, thefts need to be assessed and reported to the concerned authority immediately so that necessary actions can be taken.

    4.2 Analyse the impact of organisational requirements and expectations on curriculum practice in own area of specialism

    Curriculum practice is susceptible to the expectations and requirements of any academic institution. Hence, it is essential to be knowledgeable on different guidelines and principles with regard to mental health. In these special settings, students are diverse and are with highly differential learning abilities (Yardley, Teunissen and Dornan, 2012). While one student is autistic, the other one will have Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Hence reactions and responsiveness will be quite different. For instance, a student with dyslexia fails to transcribe lectures effectively. Hence, assessment of these differences and their learning preferences is essential to deliver effective learning environment. By relying on a theoretical model, Brookfield's Four Lenses, improvisations can be brought in practice.                       

    Figure 3: Brookfield's Four Lenses 

    In accordance with the model, the first one is autobiographical lens and in this section, previous knowledge can be exploited as a learner and training student and the experience as the teaching assistant to frame the basis of how to act with the students with mental disabilities. In the second lens, Student’s eyes, there is need to reflect teaching in the student’s perspectives. Based on the assessment answers, evaluation, feedbacks and by pursuing group activities, anyone can strengthen the educational practice. The third lens, colleagues highlight innovative solutions to teaching. By maintaining an incessant bond with peers with regard to teaching, teaching problems can be identified and hence rectifying measures can be taken. The forth lens emphasise the need for engaging with scholastic and literature platforms. It promotes updation of competencies and changing trends. For instance, knowledge on how technological innovation can aid a student with dyslexia aids in implementation of those applications, like text-to-speech software -Text Help, in the class to improvise the learning capabilities of students. Also, it will help in dealing with students with learning disabilities.

    TASK 5

    5.1 Analysis of quality improvement and assurance arrangements of own organisation diversity

    Improvement is considered as the basic requirement of every sector as it contributes in the growth of each industry. In relation to teaching practices, it is required by the individuals to upgrade their teaching practices which will help them in enhancing efficiency of their work in effective manner (Borko, Koellner and Jacobs, 2014). It can be said that improvement in teaching practice help faculty members to convey their right message to the listeners which supports them in advancing their knowledge as well. In context to education and training centres there are approximately two main components of quality assurance that is internal quality assurance and external quality assurance. Here, internal quality assurance states that teacher and assessors are required to take valid decision at regular basis. On the other hand, external quality assurance means that it is important for the regulatory bodies to involve external awarding body to take effective decisions. This will helps them in improving their existing working practices (Evans, 2014). It has been analysed that training sessions open ups the opportunity for the learners to learn in effective manner which is beneficial in enhancing their learning efficiency. This directly contributes in the improvement in learners experience as they are getting better opportunity in their career which will be helpful in attaining personal goals and objective of the individual.

    5.2 Function of self-assessment, self-evaluation and the quality cycle

    Self assessment helps individual in understanding their own strengths and weakness. It can be said that effective self evaluation practices helps individual in improving their weak areas and working on their core strong areas which be strengthen more by placing additional efforts on them (Redmond, 2017). It has been evaluated that quality cycle helps individual in conducting a self evaluation test. Quality cycle includes four major steps that is plan, do, check and act. It can be said that quality cycle is best suitable self evaluator which directly identify the core areas of teaching practices by collecting information through gathering qualitative and quantitative methods. In context to the teaching practices, it has been observed that an effective teacher could enhance its quality of delivering services by taking continuous feedback from the student. As students are the only one who can tell teacher about their less effective are where they can work and improve it effectively. Apart from the student, this feedback can be taken from anyone that is senior teaching authority, peers, etc. It has been analysed that self evaluation cannot help individual every time. As it is required by practitioners to conduct a self evaluation program at regular interval for understanding weak areas in the starting stage only. Therefore, it can be said that learning is the continuous process which cannot be stopped. It is recommended to the teachers to improve their knowledge and quality of teaching practices in order to maintain their dignity in the same field. This contributes in achieving their set targeted goals and objectives.

    5.3 A learning programme for quality maintenance of own organisation

    Improving own learning and performance can be considered as a ‘meta-skill’, which assists professionals to develop skill of learning for identifying how to learn. Therefore, to analyse effectiveness of own teaching practices and identifying key areas for improvement refers to most difficult task (Tight, 2012). It is completely different from other processes of learning program. Along with this, it includes a basis of three-stage framework for quality maintenance of own organisation or learning institute. It includes formulating strategies, monitoring own progress and evaluating performance which required to be developed or improved. Therefore, to developing learning program for quality maintenance of own training or educational area, it is necessary for a person to get revert from others. By taking feedback from peers, expert colleagues, trainers and more, an individual can find areas for improvement more easily. For example: In the field of healthcare training, service-providers or practitioners must take feedback of upper level of management and family members of sick people whom they care. It will help in analysing effectiveness of own skills and teaching practices so that further improvement plan can be made. 

    5.4 Areas for improvement in the learning programme by taking account of outcomes of evaluation  

    It is most essential aspect that education and training are considered as inspirational career path for those individuals who want to be a professional in area of specialism. Teachers or trainers through advanced teaching and learning roles can provide better training to learners and help in growing their career in a particular field (Young and Muller, 2015). By finding are for improvement in learning program, they can better utilize their skills and capabilities of teaching. To develop strategy, monitor own progress and evaluate own performance, some key areas for development are given as below:-

    • Evidence required: For developing learning program, it is necessary for professionals to show evidence where they want improvement. They must also show how it will help in giving effective training to learners.
    • Developing an effective strategy: By reviewing current capabilities and goals, practitioners need to develop professional development plan as per SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reliable and timely) technique. Developing this kind of strategy help in improving own teaching practices.
    • Monitor progress: By presenting a reflective commentary or taking feedback of expertise, professionals can monitor progress of own development as well as can create changes also.
    • Evaluate strategy and assess own work: After all above processes, individuals need to give evaluation report about how overall strategies helps in creating improvement in learning policies.

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    From the above report, it can be concluded that it is imperative for every individual to enhance own skills, competence, knowledge in specific field as it helps in enrichment of their career as professionals. Also, it has been analysed that it is necessary for teachers to adopt the concept of pedagogy which shows how teaching practices can become more effective. Also, it has been evaluated with the help of stakeholder analysis that there are various stakeholders of an educational institution whose interests and powers in the curriculum as well as entity varies from each other to a great extent. Along with this, this report gains an insight into the ways of teaching adopted by curriculum developers and the way it gets supervision from curriculum managers. Also, with the help of Maslow’s theory of needs, it can be said that there are various need of students and other stakeholders which need to be regularly satisfied so as to ensure efficient functioning of academic institution. Furthermore, with the help of Brookfield's Four Lenses model, impact of educational requirements and expectations has been assessed. Also, it has been analyzed that there are various ways by which a professional can contribute towards quality improvement and assurance arrangements.


    Books and Journals

    • Evans, L., 2014. Leadership for professional development and learning: enhancing our understanding of how teachers develop. Cambridge journal of education. 44(2). pp.179-198.
    • Redmond, B., 2017. Reflection in action: Developing reflective practice in health and social services. Routledge.
    • Borko, H., Koellner, K. and Jacobs, J., 2014. Examining novice teacher leaders’ facilitation of mathematics professional development. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 33. pp.149-167.
    • Honey, M., Pearson, G. and Schweingruber, H. eds., 2014. STEM integration in K-12 education: Status, prospects, and an agenda for research. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
    • Watson, C., 2014. Effective professional learning communities? The possibilities for teachers as agents of change in schools. British Educational Research Journal. 40(1). pp.18-29.
    • Kelly, A. E., Lesh, R. A. and Baek, J. Y. Eds., 2014. Handbook of design research methods in education: Innovations in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics learning and teaching. Routledge.

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